Our approach is focused on interactive support and additional opportunities to enhance quality and speed of your research project
Details: Supervision approach
- Committed supervision and dedicated support – especially for first research paper to speed up your writing process
- Regular Doctoral Days with all doctoral candidates of the Research Group and partners to foster academic exchange, initiate collaborative research projects
- Opportunity to work with international professors from our network on collaborative paper publication projects in top-ranked journals
- Opportunity to supervise master theses in HHL´s MBA and MSc programs and integrate them into own research projects
- Opportunity to contribute to teaching activities in diverse courses at HHL in form of guest lectures
- Opportunity to join team at national and international conference participations and present own research projects
- Integration into a great team with more than 40 doctoral candidates with a common focus on excellent research and fun along the doctoral journey J
To foster academic exchange and collaborative research projects we meet regularly and participate at academic conferences worldwide…
Selected impressions
Prof. Dr. Dominik Kanbach is the Chairholder of the Chair of Strategic Entrepreneurship and leads the research group
Short CV (main aspects)
Professor and Chairholder
HHL Leipzig Graduate School of Management
Chair of Strategic Entrepreneurship
Academic Director Research &
Head of Strategic Entrepreneurship Research Group
HHL Leipzig Graduate School of Management
Co-Founder and Academic Lead
DIGITAL SPACE – The HHL Digital Transformation Platform
Assistant/Associate Professor (German: Junior Professor)
HHL Leipzig Graduate School of Management
Visiting Professor & Researcher, e.g. at
ESCP Europe (Germany/France)
University of Business Wroclaw (Poland)
University of Mannheim (Germany)
Woxsen University Hyderabad (India)
Doctoral Degree in Strategic Management
HHL Leipzig Graduate School of Management
Strategy Consultant / Project Manager
Stern Stewart & Co. Munich Office
Prof. Dr. Stephan Stubner is the Chairholder of the Porsche AG Chair of Strategic Management & Digital Entrepreneurship of HHL
Short CV (main aspects)
Professor and Chairholder
HHL Leipzig Graduate School of Management
Chair of Strategic Management & Digital Entrepreneurship
HHL Leipzig Graduate School of Management
Angel Investor and Co-Founder
Venture Capital Firm Monkfish Equity
Co-Founder and Managing Director
Several Online Start-Ups
Assistant Professor
HHL Leipzig Graduate School of Management
Chair of Strategic Management & Family Business
Strategy Consultant
The Boston Consulting Group
Doctoral Degree in Strategic Management
University Erlangen-Nuremberg
MSc in Management,
HHL, Thunderbird, EAMS, University Paderborn